Why Ductless Air Conditioning May Be Right for You

Why Ductless Air Conditioning May Be Right for You

If you're looking for a home air conditioning system for your home, but your home can't handle a large ductwork system, you want to consider a ductless mini-split air conditioning system. This type of system can also be a good choice if you are looking for something different that can improve the air quality inside your home.

You can learn more about the ductless air conditioning systems here, as well as become educated on some of the benefits and features this type of system offers.

How It Works

A ductless air conditioning system will have two main elements to it. These elements are the components that make up the outdoor system and the indoor system. Both systems work in unison to provide you with an economical AC that will keep your home comfortable.

The outdoor system is comprised of the compressor, the condensing coil, and the fan. The indoor system includes an evaporative coil and a fan which are housed in single units. These units will offer a point of use at their installation points. Various types of housing are available, so you can choose one that works with your décor so that the unit doesn't stand out.

How It's Different

A central air conditioner has an outside compressor and indoor ductwork that carries air back and forth from the compressor to the registers. Central air conditioners also have a single indoor handler that circulates the air throughout the entire house. You set the thermostat to one temperature, and when the temperature gets hotter than the setting, the central air kicks on to cool all areas equally.

A ductless air conditioning system has more than one air handler located throughout the home. No ductwork is required for these systems. Instead, you adjust the system to meet your cooling needs for the part of the home you are trying to cool.

How It Helps You

With ductless air conditioning systems, no ductwork means you won't have to worry about maintenance issues, such as cleaning the ductwork or having leaks repaired. You also don't have to worry about having rodents get in the ductwork where they can die and cause a foul odor, which happens more than you may realize.

Ductless air conditioning systems allow you to strategically use the system to cool one room or an entire home. This eliminates the problem of cooling an entire home when you only really need to cool the part of the home you are in, which unnecessarily raises energy bills and puts extra wear on the system.

Ductless air conditioning systems eliminate arguments over what temperature the house should be kept at for everyone to be comfortable. These systems are also quieter, allowing everyone in the house to be comfortable without sacrificing their full relaxation and serenity.

Also, with ductless air conditioners, you won't have to deal with the pollutants that central air conditioning systems can push back out of the ducts into your home's air. This better air quality means you can reduce allergy flare-ups and asthma attacks for those who reside in the household.

How to Get One

Turn to are liable air conditioning service to learn more about getting a ductless air conditioning system for your home.

At Always Ready Repair, we are here to help answer any of your questions and discuss your air conditioning needs with you. Whether you are interested in ductless air conditioning or another type, contact us now. We can help you solidify your decision and take care of your air conditioning needs for you. We also offer 24/7 year-round emergency service so you can always get help right away.

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