Always Ready Repair Radon Mitigation Services

Radon is a problem that many homeowners might not have heard about. If you recently purchased a home, you might remember coming across it in the disclosures, but what does it mean for you? Radon is a hidden danger in many people’s homes, and you might not know it is there. Fortunately, if you have a radon problem in your home, solutions are available to help reduce or eliminate it.

What Is Radon?

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is found in the solid and rocks in certain areas of the country. Radon decays into radioactive particles that you can breathe in. They cause damage to the lungs and can lead to the development of lung cancer over time. When combined with other risks for lung cancer, such as tobacco use, the health risk increases.

Radon can get into the home through cracks or holes in the basement or foundation. The holes do not have to be very big and might be barely noticeable. When radon enters an enclosed space, it builds up over time. As radon concentrations rise, the chances of getting lung cancer also increase.

What Can Be Done About Radon?

The Midwest has a higher level of radon than many other areas of the country. This means you should consider getting your home tested for radon by a trained professional. If higher levels of radon are detected, then it is important to consult a professional to help get it reduced.

A radon mitigation system can help reduce levels of radon in your home and help preservice the long-term health of you and your family. The goal of installing the system should be to reduce radon levels in the home to below the 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter of air) limit set by the EPA. Some systems are available that can reduce radon levels to 2 pCi/L.

Most systems involve the installation of a pipe and fan system that draws air in and vents it outside of the home. They typically have an active monitor that can warn you if radon levels get too high or the system is malfunctioning. The fan makes sure radon is not sucked back into the home once it has been vented.

Why Choose Always Ready Repair for Radon Mitigation Services

Radon is a silent killer that can be problematic in many homes around the Chicagoland area. For the safety of you and your family, you should have your home tested, if it has not been done already. If you have a radon problem in your home, it is important to make sure you contact a professional to install the mitigation system. In some areas, financial assistance might be available to help you defray the costs of the system. Your professional might be able to provide information on how these programs can help.

Always Ready Repair offers radon mitigation services, radon system installation, radon system repair, HVAC installation and repair, and Air Conditioning in Orland Park, Palos Park and the surrounding Chicago suburbs. We have been in business for over 70 years and are trusted by homeowners and businesses in the area. Our team is dedicated and committed to providing you with quality services with a personal touch. Our technicians have the latest technology and industry knowledge. If you have a radon system that needs to be repaired, or you need one installed, you can contact our team, and we will get started.

To book an appointment, call or text us at (708) 671-0813